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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
The FTSE 100 currently has zero black representation at CEO level, not one black C-level executive with ultimate control, is this right in a modern world?
Digital Execs are representing Black Asian & Minorities digital professionals for employers of all shapes and sizes who are genuinely ready to make a small or big step in the direction of change, if you recognise that change needs to happen in your organisation take action today
Is change happening within your organisation?
Is change happening within your organisation?
The events of George Floyd & BLM gripped the world, shining the spotlight on human rights, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, accelerating “Change for the better”
Are you looking at the data of how many BAME individuals are in C- level or Senior management positions?
How can you extract the data?
Is the current C-suite onboard for change?
Are you having uncomfortable conversations with employees on D&I?.... please note it’s okay to be clumsy if intent is there.
Digital Execs are on a mission to help your organisation change, creating bespoke bitesize actional steps,
objectives and targets for you.
Free Consultancy Scoping Session
We demystify the ED&I process for change with our clients with a free Consultancy Session to understands where the gaps are.
In this short snippet from the Digital Hub podcast interview with Andrew Daley, Andrew highlights the FTSE 100 CEO issue
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